
12 / 06 / 2023

My Eye Level Story_Make Learning an Enjoyable Adventure

A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.


- Quoted by Brad Henry. During our visit to S2 Heights, Seremban learning center in Malaysia, we had the privilege of meeting two dedicated Eye Level Math Instructors who were driven by a profound passion for education.


Both of them had successfully completed the Eye Level Instructor Certified Program, which demonstrates their qualifications as skilled instructors. However, what truly distinguished them was not just their proficiency but also their genuine passion for teaching. 


During the interview, it became evident that they had a deep and enthusiastic connection with children, along with a sincere commitment to continuously improve as educators. Discover more in the following interview:



🙋🏻‍♀Hello, Denise. How did you start your career as Instructor here?


👩🏻‍💼​Denise: It’s been five years since I became an Eye Level Instructor. I started off my journey at Eye Level as an introverted instructor. I had some nervousness and fear to start teach the kids and interacting with them at first. However, I made a decision to improve myself. My center director, Dr. Desiree, encouraged me to be brave and to speak up more. Her teaching and interaction with the students has inspired me to change myself.


Other instructors also have helped me a lot in many ways too. In our center, we as instructors grow together by helping each other and not judge each other’s mistakes as we work our way to reach the top.

🙋🏻‍♀How about teaching students in the class?


👩🏻‍💼​Denise:​ Growing alongside the students required a great effort in the beginning. The first step I took was to try to see things from their perspective, as that is the essence of Eye Level. This approach enabled me to gain a better understanding of the students and offer appropriate solutions to address their problems and weaknesses. Additionally, engaging with the students during the lessons allowed me to get to know and understand them better. The students approached me with their questions courageously and without any hesitation. As they acquired more knowledge, I also saw significant improvement in my own teaching abilities.


🙋🏻‍♀Are you a charismatic instructor or more of a gentle communicator?

👩🏻‍💼​Denise: I wouldn't say I'm the type who enforces things rigidly. Instead of simply instructing my students to follow a specific method, I believe in explaining the purpose of what they're learning and why it's essential. Sometimes, I ask my students to write down the mathematical notation. Some kids might not want to do it, thinking they can memorize it, but in reality, it doesn't work that way. So, I take the time to clarify why this practice is necessary, sometimes even using visual aids or sharing my own notes to emphasize the importance of note-taking.



🙋🏻‍♀Gloria, how about you? Do you face any challenges during your instruction and teaching?


👩🏻‍💻Gloria: Speaking honestly, yes. We sometimes encounter challenges, especially with younger kids and students who have certain weak points in Math. However, with my 5 years of experience, I've developed the know-how and skills to handle these challenges. 

Firstly, I try to understand the student's situation and then identify the specific areas where they struggle and have weaknesses, as well as areas where they can improve. This is one of the differences in Eye Level education compared to other learning programs. Some other programs solely emphasize on practice, practice, and more practice. Here, we first pinpoint the areas within which a student may be struggling and work on building a strong foundation to help them progress. 




🙋🏻‍♀I've heard that the kids in your class really enjoy Critical Thinking Math. Is that true?


👩🏻‍💻Gloria:​ Yes, it's true. Our students genuinely love working on Critical Thinking Math. When I announce, "It's time for Critical Thinking Math",​ they cheer with excitement. They have a clear understanding of the distinction between Basic Thinking Math and Critical Thinking Math. They find our classes enjoyable due to the engaging and stimulating questions as well as our teaching tools. It might be challenging for them, but definitely it encourages them to apply critical thinking methods. 





🙋🏻‍♀Lastly, do you have any comments or messages for parents who are contemplating enrolling their children in Eye Level?

👩🏻‍💻Gloria: I'd like to explain that here, we follow an approach where each student commences their learning journey from their own level, in line with the concept behind our brand name, "Eye Level”.


We recognize that every child possesses their unique Eye Level – their distinctive learning capacity and pace. That's why we initiate the learning process with a diagnostic test, allowing us to provide individualized instruction tailored to the student's learning environment. I hope that through our structured lessons and personalized learning approach, students can experience meaningful improvement.​





📌 Interviewee: Denise Woon Jia Chi (Eye Level Math Instructor), Gloria Gunawathy (Eye Level Math Instructor)

🏠 Learning Center: S2 Heights, Seremban

🔗 Submit an inquiry online (here)

📞 Make a call: 013-228 1263



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